Feed Stops

cycling nutrition

As great as the riding is on the White Rose Classic, it is the food and drink, your cycling nutrition – along with your legs – that powers you for the day.  With that in mind, we have spaced three fittingly-stocked feed stations out on the road. Which ones you visit depend on the route you are riding.

The feed stops are manned by volunteers from Ilkley Cycling Club and their friends / Family. Please support them by placing any litter in the bins provided before leaving the feed stops.

Grassington cycling nutrition


All three routes passes through Grassington, so we put out a spectacular spread here at the Wharfedale Rugby Union Football Club.  Not long after this feed station, the various routes split off in their own directions. This is the time to take stock of whether you are up for the route you chose, or, discretion being the better part of valour, whether to dial back your ambitions to a shorter route.

Whether you just want to top up drinks on your way to Hawes, or are looking for more substantial sustenance, the Grassington Feed Station will match your needs.

  • Open from: 8.00am until 2.00pm
  • This feed station is down Wharfedale Avenue, just across the river after passing the centre of Grassington.
  • You’ll get a chance to enjoy authentic Yorkshire hospitality: Fresh water/energy drinks to refill your bottles Pastries, fresh fruit, and savoury sandwiches.
  • You can also grab traditional cycling nutrition: gels and bars to eat on the road. (Remember to stuff the wrappers back in your jersey to deposit at the next stop – not on the road!)

Please use the toilets provided – not the walls or bushes in the car park.

When you leave the feed station, turn right from Wharfedale Avenue onto the B6265 and head west.


Long Route only: mile 52, kilometre 84

Open from 9.30am until 1.30pm

We are hosted at the renowned Wensleydale Creamery, which is on the route as you come into Hawes.  (If you have ridden the White Rose Classic in the past, note the route change in Gayle that leads directly to the Creamery.) Please be aware that the Creamery is very popular. Give way to cars and pedestrians in the area.

– This feed station promises a taste of something different – a sample of Wensleydale Cheeses.  It may not be traditional cycling nutrition, but it is something substantial to sustain you for the long ride ahead.

– Toilets are in the main building next to the feed station.  You can go around to the side entrance on the right.

After leaving Hawes, the next big challenge is the Coal Road climb, quickly followed by the Deepdale climb.  The next feed station is in Settle at mile 89/kilometre 143.

Wensleydale Creamery
Cyclists having a pit stop


Medium Route: mile 53/kilometre 86

Long Route: mile 89/kilometre 143

Open from 10.00am until 3.00pm

It is at this point in the ride that your cycling nutrition becomes very important.  You’ve come a long way, but you are just at the foot of the toughest climb of the day.  Besides more substantial fare, slip something into your jersey pocket to enjoy once you are at the top of Albert Hill which starts only a mile or so from the feed station.  You’ll appeciate the extra energy when enjoying the views across the Ribble Valley to Pendle Hill.

After the feed station, you have a tough climb, a glorious descent, and then about 25 “rolling” miles to the finish in Ilkley where you can relax and indulge in food, drink, and maybe a little dancing to the live music!


So you have made it back to Ilkley after a long day in the saddle – congratulations! No need to rush off, either.  Your first beer from the Ilkley Brewery bar is included in your entry fee.

So head over to the event village, grab your free drink and if your hungry you can also purchase food from ‘Yorkshire Hog Roast’ or wood fired pizza from Dave’s pizza , you’ll also be able to purchase tea & coffee from Landy Coffee and ice cream from Yorkshire Dales Ice cream van.  There will be tables set up so you can relax with your fellow cyclists, swap stories from the day and enjoy the live music from a local band, Route 65.

If you have friends or family who want to join, they can also purchase food and drink from our vendors.